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Dear Citizens,

It is our pleasure to serve you. For inquiries regarding any service kindly contact the Public Treasury Directorate.

Telephone No  152/207 - 009624636321
Fax 009624643998
Email Treasury@mof.gov.jo
Address Al-Abdali- King Hassan Street- (Main Center- First Floor)


Financial Ceilings


Ministries and government departments enlisted within the General Budget Law.

 Required Documents

  1. Financial transfer (current- capital) issued by the General Budget Department.
  2. Financial claim signed by the financial manager at the ministry or department and by the financial controller.
  3. Providing the Ministry of Finance with the monthly summary and cash flows statement at the beginning of each month.

Average time needed to complete this service

20 minutes.

Place of service provision for all types of reimbursements

At the center: The Public Treasury Directorate, The Treasury Divisions.

Work Procedures

  1. Providing the financial position of ministries of departments by the accountant at the treasury division.
  2. recommending the ceiling’s value in accordance to actual needs and the treasury’s position.
  3. Referring to the director to approve the recommendation.
  4. Printing the letter and having it signed by the director.
  5. Sending the official letter by the General Treasury Directorate.

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